Mark Zuckerberg is creepy, exploits people and has bad dressing sense, says Meta’s AI Bot


Meta’s chatbot, BlenderBot, not only has issues with how Zuckerberg dresses up, but also disapproves of him as a businessman.


  • Meta’s newly announced chatbot, BlenderBot 3 has strong options about Zuckerberg
  • The chatbot BlenderBot 3 was released on Friday and is currently limited to the US audience only.
  • The chatbot answered a few questions about Mark Zuckerberg and its answers were very honest and brutal.

Meta’s newly announced chatbot, BlenderBot 3, has strong options about Zuckerberg . The chatbot doesn’t approve of Zuckerberg as much as he would like to. BlenderBot not only has issues with how Zuckerberg dresses up but also disapproves of him as a businessman. The chatbot BlenderBot 3 was released on Friday and is currently limited to the US audience only. It is equipped to talk about any given topic and, as it can be concluded, the chatbot does not mince its words, it can be brutally honest.

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