Generally AI helps in other well-known sectors where its use can be identified and related,but You cannot find the Role in AI in the education sector.I am here to help you out..

Basic Role of AI in education sector is :
❖ AI Tutors :
These AI tutors are like teachers at home. They teach students acting like a virtual teacher, teaching them those tough mathematical concepts of algebra,Trigonometry,Calculus and much more…These may reduce the stress of students in hardcoding the subject.
Technical aspects

❖ Classroom Weakness :
Though in classrooms teachers teach those subjects in an in-depth manner where some of the students aren’t able to understand them and they may know it only when they conduct the tests and students get low scores.
Even Though after knowing them they may not teach them again, leaving it to their friends or top ranking students to teach them. Hence to help them here comes the AI powered machines which intimates the teacher to go on reschooling again on the specific topics based on the majority of the students having low scores.

❖ Gap Fillers :
These gap fillers like, Students doing homework just like that sharing the answers via social media where it could affect the students who are not studying and this is intimated to the teachers or getting an alert regarding the issue, So in this scene we may get the actual donor and the copied persons list.
This helps the teacher find the actual scenario that is going on.

❖ Self-Paced Learning :
These days the self paced learning has become one of the part of education, where it gives the students an time to learn at their free time.These are offered by the courses that we do online. These AI powered machines respond to the students’ needs and mastering the topic that they need,they are available throughout their lifetime.

Hence AI comes to the part of Adaptive learning.

❖ Universal Access :
The universal access means that it is accessible to all which means even the visually impaired students can also get impacted by learning through the AI Assistant that speaks with the students according to the needs that are wanted.
Also the presentation translator which subtitles the text and also reads it for them.
We also have the presentation mode that is attached with the powerpoint where we can see how we perform.

Article By :
III-Computer Science and Engineering
Sri Eshwar College of Engineering